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How do follow-up emails work?
How do follow-up emails work?

Explainer on the purpose and basic structure of follow up emails.

David Gravina avatar
Written by David Gravina
Updated over a year ago

Every campaigner knows that it's critical for your system to respond immediately to supporter actions with confirmation and next steps, while the issue is front of mind. It’s the perfect time to encourage next steps, like sharing the campaign further, donating to your organisation, or taking a higher barrier action like calling a representative.

It’s also an important transactional email to confirm subscriptions (if you are following best practice and requiring double opt-in). Our follow-up emails are designed to save you time managing all of that from your CRM or worse, manually!

Heres how they work. First you need to choose to send a follow-up email from within the Campaign Editor ...

You can set the follow up email to whatever you like however we recommend you follow these detailed instructions on how to send emails from your own domain via our platform (otherwise your emails are more likely to go to spam than into your supporter’s inbox which kind of defeats the purpose!). You can make up email addresses in the format (say [email protected]) but any replies to those emails are not monitored.

Next set your subject and then introduction copy, which will be followed by share buttons if you have them set in the Campaign Social Tab. Finally you can add an (optional) conclusion text block which sits under the share buttons.

If your campaign requires a double opt-in for subscription, that will appear at the top and your logo will be displayed if you have added on in your account page. We also offer unsubscribe links in the footer and depending on your account level a little Do Gooder branding on the footer.

This is how a fully utilised follow-up email looks in real-life ...

Naturewatch follow-up email with confirm subscription text and button and intro, share buttons and conclusion text shown.

Here’s another one, this time without double opt-in and with the Introduction text being used for a second call to action (clever!). Also It lacks Do Gooder branding on the footer because Uniting is a Goodest Pro customer.

Uniting's follow-up email with just intro text, share buttons and conclusion text shown.

A final point. The examples above utilise the colour choices you make in the Campaign theme tab, and the logos shown are white transparent PNG files (recommended), which results in a nice coloured banner automatically added. If your logo is not white we do not place the banner at the top, so it looks more like this:

Amnesty International’s follow-up showing the logo on a white background, but otherwise the same as above.

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